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And when she slithered atop Green's piano a la Michelle Pfeiffer in "The Fabulous Baker Boys" -- wow! Cee Lo out-Yves Saint Laurent Shoes Sir Elton. MISMATCH: What TV overlord deemed that every Sunday-night event in February should start with Christina Aguilera singing? The opening tribute to Aretha Franklin was Jimmy Choo Wells Light Cutout purple Shoes, but neither the overwrought X-tina, the underwhelming Martina McBride nor the tentative Florence Welch of Florence & the Machine did the Queen of Soul justice. On the other hand, Jennifer Hudson ("Respect") and Yolanda Adams ("Spirit in the Dark") earned their crowns as princesses of soul. MATCH: Usher introduced his unlikely protege Justin Bieber, who sang "Baby Baby Baby" solo on acoustic guitar and then burst into "Jimmy Choo Wells Light Cutout white Shoes Say Never" with his dancers and full band. Next, Usher and his dancers took over the stage for the smash "OMG," with the Biebs -- wearing Usher's trademark shades -- joining near the end for some fancy dancing. MISMATCH: Crooner Bruno Mars and rapper B.o.B. were fine on their record-of-the-year candidate "Nothin' on You," but harmonizer Jimmy Choo Wells Light Cutout yellow Shoes Monae seemed the odd woman out.

Par juzi le samedi 19 février 2011


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