They remain sceptical about the extent to which he would break Labour's funding links with Links of London Power Walk Charm trade unions. "The only reason Ms Alexander is staying in post is to act as a human shield for [Gordon Brown] whose sole priority is not her interests or Scottish Labour: it's Links of London Q Charm prevent the house of cards collapsing down south," Ms [Nicola Sturgeon] said. Mr Cameron yesterday told the BBC it "beggars belief'' the prime minister was not in the know, and accused him of trying to "spin his way out of a scandal''. The call came as the Commons Treasury select committee warned ministers that its target to halve child poverty by 2010 could not be treated "as an optional extra". MPs say they fear that ministers "may have Links of London R Charm back from a wholehearted commitment to meeting this target". John McFall, the Treasury select committee chairman, said the elimination of child poverty "remains of Links of London Raindance Bracelet importance".
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