links of london have expressed the desire

The clothing companies have expressed the desire to participate in a review of fire safety at Links of London Four Leaf Clover Charm companies, to prevent recurrence of similar catastrophes in the future. According to a report published in the Financial Times of London, three US brands having close Links of London Frog Charm to the Hameem have contacted its top management and requested to ensure an independent investigation into the latest fire accident and support the victims and their families. Hameem produces garments for Links of London G Charm, JC Penny and Phillips-Van Heusen. Just one week before the latest fire at Hameem, representatives of western brands, factory owners, government officials and labour activists had met in Dhaka to discuss the urgent need for reducing the fire hazards in the garment units in Bangladesh. The FT report said many Bangladesh garment factories are housed in multi-storey buildings that are not suitable for Links of London Gingerbread Man use and do not comply with building codes for industries.

Par juzi le mercredi 02 mars 2011


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