And there are other reasons to be sceptical about its input. Big technology companies of links of london charms kind it is courting often buy up innovative start-ups. Forging such close links between Silicon Valley and Silicon Roundabout could make easy prey of the latter. Still, the Links of London A Charm put in by ministers to secure commitments from these outfits (George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, who has had much else to occupy him, was the most assiduous), suggests a certain seriousness. The underlying motive is that the government discerns the outline of a new kind of industrial strategy. Jumping on the roundabout The old approach of favouring certain firms and sectors with protections and public subsidies--Links of London Allsorts 1 row bracelet, if more in word than deed, by the most recent Labour government--is unlikely to come back. Since the country's botched experiments with corporatism in the 1970s, the idea of Links of London B Charm state intrusively shaping the private economy has tended to lack credibility in a way it does not in, say, France.
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