It is Mr. O'Brien's suggestion that the Anniston City Council re-name the course the "Buddy Black & Pink Friendship Bracelet Municipal Golf Course." Surely even what Mr. O'Brien calls "our dysfunctional City Council" could agree on that, or so you'd think. "Buddy's Hill" has a nice ring to it, huh? IT'S A homecoming Raindance Bracelet at the Center of Hope Ministry on the Bynum/Leatherwood Road. The Rev. Garry Burns, pastor and executive director of the faith-based drug/rehab facility, will return to the pulpit. It's Burns' first time since a terrible motorcycle accident almost took his life back in October. A long and successful healing rehab has him returning to the pulpit Sunday morning. Thought you'd like to know that bit of very good news ... Allsorts 1 row braceletBIRTHDAYS: Feb. 22 Jeannie Norris Johnson; Feb. 27 Tony Woosley; Feb, 28 Gwen Hewitt and Mike Hase; March 3 Ann Noel; March 4 Karabiner Bangle Mike Woosley. A special birthday wish to Guy Sellers, who was 93 Monday. He's running, literally, toward a century.
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