And Tommy Haas, who might have thought he was letting himself in for a softish kind of Big Apple Charm when taking up tennis for his meals and clothes and sundry other necessities, seemed to sound a reminder of the world's pre-May Day anguish in demanding a reasonable break in the apparently endless grind of Snowflake Charms sport. Quite clearly, commercially organised athletic pursuits are now having the deuce of a time. There are well-paid people glamorising it 24X7 but it was not really looking like Cleopatra after a good facial. Everything is happening simultaneously, and, of course, there is too much of everything. Seasonal specialities have been kicked beyond the touchline. Or, hit for an over-boundary. Few people can have Bee Charm time, or use, for this profusion, even if it is rich in variety. How much of your most favourite food, whatever it is, can you tuck into in the manner of a boa constrictor, day in and day out, even if you possess unimpeachable credentials as Gingerbread Man trencherman of the very highest aristocracy? Those who will not agree may, of course, point out that the clock cannot really be turned back.
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