The familiar rumble-and-bang of fireworks sounded shortly after 9pm (Mobile Charm) on Friday as streams of incandescent colour shot into the heavens - a teaser for the much-hyped show-stopper set to wow the world at midnight. An X on the Harbour Bridge reflected the Make Your Mark theme of the family-friendly display, Ballet Shoes Charm coincided with a lit parade of vessels on the waters below. "Stunning, beautiful," said Cinthya Romo, 32, a Sydney-based interpreter from Chile. Melburnian Ross Bagnato, 35, had been falling asleep after waiting almost 12 hours. "I'm so glad they aren't disappointing after such a long wait." All eyes will be on Sydney, one of the first major cities to ring in the new year, with an estimated billion people tuning in to watch Cowboy Boot Charm party billed as the best since the 2000 Olympics. Clear skies and balmy weather have blessed party-goers, many of whom are only now beginning to hit pubs and clubs at Darling Harbour, Manly and hot Pink Heart Charm, while others are cramming onto balconies and rooftops to say goodbye to another decade.
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