Discount Tiffany final five points

The 6-foot-1 center scored the Cougars' final five points to lead a Discount Tiffany Pendants victory against Hanover River Ridge-Scales Mound co-op at Redbird Arena. After King scored two points in the first half, coach Brian Bettis had a talk with his All-State senior. Discount Tiffany Rings made the first two baskets after halftime to even the score at 15 and finished with 11 points and six rebounds to give the Cougars (32-3) their first girls basketball state championship. "He wasn't very happy with me. He's like, 'This is the biggest game of your life and you're not playing very well,' " King said. "I was like, 'Oh, yeah. I guess you're right.' It hit home, and I knew I had to come out and play harder." Senior forward Whitney Kieffer (Discount Tiffany Sets points) made River Ridge's first field goal of the fourth quarter with 11.5 seconds to play and hit a free throw for a three-point play to cut West Central's lead to 29-26. River Ridge's Jessie Albrecht forced a held-ball call on West Central's ensuing inbounds play, and the Wildcats (Discount Tiffany Watches) received the possession for a chance to tie it.

Par juzi le vendredi 18 mars 2011


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