Pop in at Pennie's Dollar Store, a rare indie dollar store in a chain industry. Mobile Charm may be a good time to walk to your car, and put whatever you've bought into the trunk. We've only hit one side of the street. Cross the street, and check out Millaa Boutique (412-973-8252), which carries retro items from estate Ballet Shoes Charm, consignment, the Internet and trade by artisans. The quaint shop carries items like hand-painted handbags, funky artisan jewelry, vintage clothing and jewelry and more. Now, walk down a block or so, and you're in Brentwood. Here, you stop at the Brentwood Gold Exchange (412-882-5520) and buy some nice used jewelry for your sweetie. The store specializes in sterling silver, and has everything Cowboy Boot Charm rings to necklaces and earrings. It's not just expensive stuff: you can buy a pair of earrings for as low as $10. Next door, at A. Siegel Jewelers (412-882-2111), the store isn't selling gold at the moment, but it does carry some antique jewelry, hot Pink Heart Charm, glassware and more.
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