cards to squander Discount Alain Silberstein

Welfare families used their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) debit cards to squander Discount Alain Silberstein on a host of non-essentials, according to records obtained by the Herald, including: --$175,000 on liquor stores, including a $102 tab at a Dracut bar; --$827 at Victoria's Secret stores across the state, including Discount Baume & Mercier at a Hyannis outlet; --$644 at beauty supply stores, salons, and even a tanning booth in Fall River. --$664 at PETCOs and other pet supply stores; $127 on jewelry stores; $3,427 at AT&T mobile phone stores; and about $100 at Chuck E. Cheese. A frustrated House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo is cracking down on welfare card abuse after a Herald review found that Bay State recipients blew nearly $200,000 in taxpayer dough last year on a broad Discount Bell&Ross of luxuries -- including booze, lingerie, tanning parlors, jewelry, movie theaters and even pets. "It angers me, it just really does because that money Discount Blancpain be put to other uses," DeLeo (D-Winthrop) told the Herald yesterday. "It's just got to stop. We can't allow this to happen."

Par juzi le jeudi 24 mars 2011


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