The other quality for the CMO of the future is to recognize and hire talent that has the skills they don't. Atlas I.D. money clip, CHIEF MARKETING officers built brands. Now, their primary duty is communicating what the brand means for the financial well-being of the firm-and they Frank Gehry going to need to be increasingly skilled at that going forward. Marketers of the future "are going to have to speak the language of the rest of the organization," said David Reibstein, professor of marketing at The Wharton School. "Historically, CMOs have been very good about building brands and a lot of the types of measures that one would look at within marketing, but that's no longer going to cut it." That means they will need to have a much firmer grasp of Atlas pendant overall businesses and how marketing affects the bottom line. This has gotten much lip service in recent years, but for marketers of the future, what used to be "a differentiator in the past will be Atlas ring requirement in the future," said Sony CMO Mike Fasulo.