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"When you have such a high attack percentage, it basically stems from Tiffany Heart Clover Pendant ball control," Weber said. "If I'm running around the court like a track athlete, it's going to be really hard to hit a good percentage." In the first two sets, Owens had 15 kills on Tiffany HEART LINK DROP EARRINGS swings with one error for a .778 attack percentage. "The coaches were a little bit worried about us going into this game because our warm-up wasn't as crisp as it should have been, but I guess you could say we proved them wrong," Owens said with a smile. "But I credit the whole team. I wouldn't have done this without them." The Cats expect to play a higher level when they begin Pac-10 play. Arizona overcame a Tiffany Bangles deficit in the third set. "As happy as we are with how we played today, and with how our preseason went, there's still a lot of improvements we are all looking forward to making to make us that much Tiffany Heart Link earrings moving into conference," Weber said.

Par juzi le mercredi 18 mai 2011


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