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Arrangements are under the care of Miles-Sterling Funeral Home, 100 Worcester Tiffany Love Knot bangle, Sterling. Tiffany Hartley, 29, said she and her husband, David, were sightseeing Thursday on private personal watercraft on the Mexican side of Falcon Lake, about Tiffany 1837 miles southeast of Laredo, when pirates in three speedboats started chasing them. A Texas woman says it's a miracle she survived an attack by pirates who fired at her on a lake on the U.S.-Mexico border after they shot her husband. Tiffany Hartley, 29, said she and her husband, David, were sightseeing Thursday on private personal watercraft on the Mexican side of Falcon Lake, about 40 miles southeast of Laredo, when pirates in three Tiffany Love Locket and Chain started chasing them. "We saw that they had guns, so we started racing away from them," she told the Denver Post from her home in McAllen. The pirates shot her husband in the back of the head, and he tumbled into the lake, Tiffany Medium Elsa Peretti Bean pendant said.

Par juzi le jeudi 19 mai 2011


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