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People from across the Crossroads walked the Bayfront Peninsula, enjoying Wedding Shoes on Sale and arts and crafts shopping at the festival Saturday. "They told me I couldn't come out here if I didn't own flip flops," Meyer said laughing. Meyer carved out old cowboy boots to create the pegged boot-flip flop. "It took about five minutes," he said. The festival idea is a brainchild of the Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce, said Tina Discount Jimmy Choo Shoes, marketing and tourism director. The festival focuses on the city's boots and flip flops branding logo, she said. "We've got a lot of people already here," said Crow, an hour into the event's opening. More people were expected Saturday night for the concert by Jack Motley, an acoustic folk artist of Edna, and Adan Davila, a Texas soft-rock artist. Meanwhile, Stacy Cantu, of Discount Jimmy Choo Shoes, brought her custom-made flip flops to see how well they would sell, she said. In just the first couple of hours, Cantu had received custom order Discount Jimmy Choo Shoes, she said. "We really like going to different craft fairs," said Cantu, who was selling with her sister.

Par juzi le jeudi 21 octobre 2010


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