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CSIR promotes the development of indigenous technologies and resources. Christian Louboutin Pumps features on special projects and business areas. According to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, The equipment for removing cement from bone cavities consists of an elongated body, hollow inside, that can be inserted inside a cement-filled bone cavity, and at least one rod for extracting the elongated body buried in the cement, that can be inserted Manolo Blahnik Shoes the elongated body. Italy based Tecres SpA filed patent application for equipment for removing cement from bone cavities. The inventor is Faccioli Giovanni. Tecres SpA filed the patent application on July 3, 2007. The patent application number is 1428/CHE/2007 A. The International classification number is A61C1/07. YSL to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, "The equipment for removing cement from bone cavities consists of an elongated body, hollow inside, that can be inserted inside a cement-filled bone cavity, and at least one rod for extracting the elongated body buried in the cement, that can be inserted inside the elongated patent leather shoes.

Par juzi le samedi 23 octobre 2010


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