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The New Zealand sharemarket rose only fractionally on Wednesday, with yellow pumps sign that local traders had been much buoyed by expectations that the US Federal Reserve will take further measures to stabilise America's economic Christian Louboutin Shoes on Sale, essentially by printing money. The NZ market remained below five-month highs, the benchmark NZX-50 index opened at 3,230.831, and initially rose by 2.99 points, but finished the day at 3,231.816, up 0.985 points (0.03 per cent). It has spent nearly three weeks circling below a high point of 3253 points reached on September 21. There were 106 stocks traded, with 29 rises and 37 falls.The day's total turnover of 31.5 million shares was worth $NZ88.35 million ($A67.91 million). SYDNEY - The Australian market has received strongly positive leads from offshore trading Christian Louboutin Pumps on Sale, with all key overseas markets significantly higher, including equities and commodities. The Australian dollar hit a new post float high shortly after 0500 AEDT at 99.35 US cents. On the Sydney Futures Exchange at 0732 AEDT, the December share price index futures contract was 30 Christian Louboutin Sandals on Sale higher at 4,666 points.

Par juzi le jeudi 28 octobre 2010


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