The Vatican estimated 50,000 people would be present in Thanksgiving boots sale Peter's Square for the occasion. Cardinal Pell had his own way of summing up the impressive crowds. "I thought the square was probably well and truly three-quarters full," he said. "I thought it was a very respectable turnout. I was at the grand final of the AFL and it was a much bigger crowd than that." Postulator Sister Maria Casey, who has worked hard Christian Louboutin Pumps years to get Mary's sainthood recognised, said it had been a very emotional day for her. "I felt very moved when the Holy Father actually spoke the words of the canonisation and I was able to look up at Mary looking down on us and out onto the square and I thought, `Mary, we've acknowledged you at last'," Sr Casey said. "It was a very Christian Louboutin Shoes day and a wonderful culmination for the many many people who have worked on this cause since 1926. It's been a long journey. "People say would I write my book but I say it could not be published yet." Sr Casey said she had a discussion with the Pope, who remembered his visit to Australia for World Youth Day in Christian Louboutin Sandals with great fondness.
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