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"We look forward to partnering with the residents and staff of Christian Louboutin Shoes as we expand our commitment in New England of providing seniors with choice-based living options," Grape said in the statement. Orstad said the majority of Edgehill residents are from within a 15-minute radius, in Stamford, Greenwich, New Canaan and Darien. Extending its portfolio, the textile major would be entering the tapestry, upholstery and curtains Christian Louboutin Shoes with intentions of emerging as a full-service home solutions player with 'made-to- order' services. Mr P. G. Makhija, Chief Executive Officer, Textiles, Bombay Dyeing, told Business Line, "We are studying the home solutions category to cater to the made-to-order demands of customers in areas like upholstery and curtains. There are plans of offering specialised services in home furnishings Christian Louboutin Pumps just products like bed and bath linen." Currently the 'made-to-order' segment in home furnishings is largely unorganised with local players dominating the segment. The overall home furnishings segment is not less than Rs 10,000 crore and Bombay Dyeing intends tapping into this segment by extending its portfolio heels shoes services.

Par juzi le lundi 01 novembre 2010


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