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So common that the Internet Crime Complaint Center -- Christian Louboutin Shoes for Wedding partnership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National White Collar Crime Center and the Bureau of Justice Assistance -- has issued a warning explaining how perpetrators lift ads, complete with photos, from other sites and repost them with fictitious contact information. The fraudulent listings often feature extremely low rates. Discount Christian Louboutin Boots renters are asked to send money via Western Union or a check to a post-office box. When the renter arrives, either the property doesn't exist or owners know nothing about the arrangement. San Francisco, New York and other popular vacation destinations, such as Cape Cod, are popular targets. Sure enough, when I searched several other vacation-rental Discount Christian Louboutin Boots, I found the same Provincetown condo ad with the same pictures but a different contact name and phone number. I called the person listed. Massachusetts resident Rob Mancuso, who turned out to be the real owner of the condo, was horrified. No, he'd never listed his property on craigslist. No, the property was not Discount Christian Louboutin Boots for those dates. And no, $120 was not the nightly rate.

Par juzi le lundi 08 novembre 2010


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