someone searched for Christian Louboutin

Larry Amos, a computer expert from the State Police Forensic Christian Louboutin Pumps, also testified before Marks. He examined Spader's Apple computer and Marks' cell phone, he said. The phone had a picture of an emblem with "Disciples of Destruction" around it. On the computer, Amos found evidence that someone searched for ingredients and instructions to make chloroform the day before the murder, as well as a document listing the manolo blahnik sandals, principals and members of the Disciples of Destruction, he said. Amos told defense attorney Andrew Winters there was no way to say who had created the document or made the searches for Jimmy Choo. The only other witness of the day was John Hebert, a former police officer and now a telecommunications expert who consults with police and attorneys. He detailed the hundreds of text messages and phone calls among Spader's, Gribble's, Glover's, Marks' and Autumn Savoy's cell phones in the days leading up to the murder, as well as platform shoes content of some of the text messages between Spader and Gribble.

Par juzi le mardi 09 novembre 2010


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