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The Affordable Care Act says that enrolling new participants will not cause a Yves Saint Laurent Shoes to lose its grandfathered status - and provides virtually no other guidance. Employers that sponsor group health plans that were in effect on March 23, Jimmy Choo Glenys satin sandals black, need to know what changes they can make without losing grandfathered status so that they can evaluate (1) whether grandfathered status is important to them, and, if so, (2) if preserving grandfathered status may prove to be the less costly route, what they must do to preserve that status. All group health plans - grandfathered or not - will be required to Jimmy Choo Glenys satin sandals light green comply with these new requirements (some take effect for plan years that begin on or after September 23, 2010, and some will take effect later): No lifetime limits on coverage for all plans; No rescissions of coverage when people get sick and have previously made an unintentional mistake on their application; Jimmy Choo Glenys Watersnake Sandals of parents' group health plan coverage to children under 26 years old.

Par juzi le mardi 16 novembre 2010


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