Northwestern students working under Protess' supervision surreptitiously Yves Saint Laurent Shoes an interview of Anthony Drake, the man they contend is responsible for the murder for which McKinney was convicted, Assistant State's Jimmy Choo Glenys satin sandals black Celeste Stack said in court. "During the couple of hours (Drake) was with the students, an eavesdropping device was in use," Stack said. An attorney for the private detective who works with the Innocence Project, however, said a legal opinion cleared the surreptitious recording as a protection for the students who were interviewing a convicted murderer on parole. At Stack's request, Judge Jimmy Choo Glenys satin sandals light green Gordon Cannon ordered that Northwestern preserve any original copies of recordings. In Illinois, it is illegal to record anyone without their knowledge or consent -- without court authorization. Stack later said it was unlikely any criminal charges would be filed over the surreptitious recording Jimmy Choo Glenys Watersnake Sandals Drake interview, since it occurred in 2004 and the statute of limitations has since expired.