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According to an abstract posted by the World Intellectual Property Organization, the present invention deals with Yves Saint Laurent Shoes "heel or toe pocket on knitted products like socks, tights, pantie-stockings and so on, created by inter-knitting of the narrowing part and consequent extending part, in which the terminal links of the lines in the narrowing part of the pocket, inter-knitted with the links of the lines in the extending part of the pocket Manolo Blahnik Silk Pump in Pink placed on different columns of the knitted fabrics than the terminal links of the lines in the extending part of the pocket, inter-knitted with links of the lines in the narrowing part of the pocket."The invention carries International Patent Publication No. WO/2009/117976 on Oct. 1. Southern California-based Arpana Dance Company has performed in the USA, Europe India under the guidance Manolo Blahnik Silk Pump in Purple Ramya Harishankar. Over the years, the Company has presented 15 full length productions many raising funds Vibram FiveFingers Bikila Brown-Beige-Grey charities worldwide.

Par juzi le mercredi 01 décembre 2010


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