Christian Louboutin front month

The October US crude contract expired on Tuesday, helping keep pressure Yves Saint Laurent Shoes the front month and nearby months, industry sources said. US crude for October delivery fell $US1.34, or 1.79 per cent, to settle at $US73.52 a barrel as it expired and went off the board. Trading ranged from $US72.81 to $US74.60. US November crude fell $US1.22, or 1.6 per cent, to settle at $US74.97 a barrel. ICE Brent for November fell 90 Vibram FiveFingers Bikila Navy-Blue to settle at $US78.42. The premium for November Brent over the equivalent US benchmark West Texas Intermediate contract rose to $US3.45, based on settlement prices on Tuesday. The premium shrank below $US2 when a leak closed the biggest Canada-to-US crude pipeline but widened when it became apparent flows would resume Vibram FiveFingers KSO Black/Grey/Camo Shoes week. In other Nymex trading in October energy contracts, heating oil fell 1.95 US cents to settle at $US2.Vibram FiveFingers KSO Grey-Yellow Shoes a gallon, gasoline lost three cents to settle at $US1.9196 a gallon and natural gas gained 9.7 cents to settle at $US3.919 per 1,000 cubic feet.

Par juzi le vendredi 03 décembre 2010


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