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SingTel said the profit increase reflected strong performance from Singapore, Australia Yves Saint Laurent Shoes significant improvement in Telkomsel's performance. CEO Chua Sock Koong said the fourth quarter concluded a successful year despite the financial crisis. "With unrelenting focus on execution, we outperformed the markets in Singapore and Australia and met guidance for the financial year," Ms Chua said. For 2010 the group is Vibram FiveFingers KSO TrekSport in Grey and Red on deepening customer relationships, enhancing customer service and extending services into the media and ICT arena. "These growth drivers are supported by our continuing cost transformation and investment in organisational capabilities," Ms Chua said. "The group will continue to leverage the strength of its 293 million regional customers to drive Vibram FiveFingers KSO TrekSport in Grey and Yellow synergies, exploit the breadth of customer knowledge and lead and experiment with new Vibram FiveFingers KSO TrekSport in Yellow and Blue and technologies across the region."

Par juzi le samedi 04 décembre 2010


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