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In the resins segment, Singapore had capacities of 390,000tpa high density polyethylene (Yves Saint Laurent Shoes), 250,000tpa low density polyethylene (LDPE), 525,000tpa linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), 875,000tpa polypropylene (PP), 95,000tpa polystyrene (PS) and 30,000tpa polyvinyl chloride (PVC). New petrochemicals capacity in Singapore will be focused on serving the Chinese market, concentrating on the key growth areas of aromatics, mono-ethylene glycol (Jimmy choo lance mirrored sandals), LLDPE and PP. Three sites will form the basis of the expansion of Singapore's petrochemical industry over the next five years: the Shell Eastern Petrochemical Complex on Bukom, the ExxonMobil Chemical complex on Jurong and the Jurong Aromatics complex. Together, these will add capacities of 1.8mn tpa of ethylene, Jimmy Choo leather belt overlap Sandals black,000tpa of propylene, 155,000tpa butadiene, 480,000tpa of PE, 450,000tpa of PP, 570,000tpa of benzene and 1mn tpa of xylenes. By 2014, Singapore's ethylene capacity will have nearly doubled to 4.04mn tpa, PE capacity will be up 40% to 1.65mn tpa and PP capacity will be up Jimmy Choo leather pigalle pumps red to 1.33mn tpa.

Par juzi le samedi 18 décembre 2010


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