Christian Louboutin multi-criteria decision

This paper presents a multi-criteria decision model to determine a pricing policy Vibram Five Fingers Kso can simultaneously address two issues: stabilize inventory fluctuations and boost profits. The model considers that PRFs passively accepts discarded products as well as acquires them proactively if necessary. Under a multi-criteria setting, the current work determines prices of reusable and recyclable components to maximize revenue and minimize Vibram Five Fingers Women recovery costs. A genetic algorithm is employed to solve the multi-criteria decision making problem. Sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the effect of sorting yield, disassembly yield, and reusable component yield on the profits, prices, inventory levels, and disposal quantities. A programming problem is introduced which calculates efficiency scores for two jointly produced products. Vibram FiveFingers KSO TrekSport in Grey and Yellow scores, as well as Malmquist total factor productivity indices, were calculated and reported for both the crop and livestock sectors for 27 countries. Our two-score method allows us to determine whether technical change favors crops or livestock Vibram FiveFingers KSO TrekSport in Yellow and Blue.

Par juzi le jeudi 23 décembre 2010


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