Christian Louboutin Fresno market

Autry and KYNO owner John Ostlund said it was a mutual decision. Autry said he wants Vibram Five Fingers Kso return to acting and making movies, and he doesn't feel he can devote enough time to those things while hosting a daily radio show. He will begin production in late January on a faith-based film about a homeless veteran, to be shot in downtown Fresno, and eventually wants Fresno to become a center for faith-based filming. "The two years at Vibram Five Fingers Women have been a fantastic experience for me. Something I hadn't planned, but certainly thankful I did," Autry said. Autry planned to host the radio show for only one year when it launched in September 2008. He enjoyed the work so much that he stayed a second year. The desire to get back to acting is too great for him to continue, he said. Autry's hiring brought attention to Vibram FiveFingers KSO Trek Shoes when it launched the talk format more than two years ago. His show failed to generate high ratings, though. KYNO tied for 28th among Vibram FiveFingers KSO TrekSport in Grey and Red Fresno market radio stations in the most recent Arbitron ratings.

Par juzi le lundi 27 décembre 2010


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