exporter in Christian Louboutin

After China announced cutting ferrosilicon supply in September due to power Vibram Five Fingers Kso, prices climbed steadily as local demand picked up . But the market expects supply to resume in January next year as power cuts ease, keeping consumers out of the market in December as they await a price drop. "If the market is falling, why buy now, why not wait?" one U.S.-based trader said. A second trader confirmed that prices for material from China were trending lower, Vibram Five Fingers Women it more likely that buyers will wait. "The Chinese have started dipping off on their price," he said. Bids from steel mills for ferrosilicon in Vibram five fingers sprint pink-grey shoes have softened from mid-November as smelters were expected to resume production this month or in early January as the country reportedly wraps up its plan to meet emission standards. "Most buyers are staying on the sidelines, as they deem that prices will plunge next month after local smelters restart," Vibram Five Fingers Sprint Pure Black - shoes exporter in the Qinghai province said (MB, Dec. 2). Prices have dropped by up to 300 yuan ($45) per tonne to $8,300 per tonne from a week ago.

Par juzi le mardi 28 décembre 2010


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