The unexpected comment launched a legislative campaign to enact bipartisan legislation to Yves Saint Laurent Shoes state and local governments in providing job training, education, drug treatment, and mentoring services for offenders exiting prisons and jails. An unlikely coalition formed between Congressional Black Caucus members Danny Davis of Illinois and Bobby Scott of Virginia, both Democrats, and conservative Republicans Rob Port m a n of Ohio, Chris Cannon of Jimmy Choo Glenys Elaphe snake sandal, Lámar Smith of Texas, and Howard Coble of North Carolina. The effort received broad support from law enforcement, criminal-justice reformers, and the religious community. Prison Fellowship, a Christian ministry organization founded by former Nixon official Chuck Colson after he was released from prison for a Watergaterelated Jimmy Choo Glenys Leather sandals Black, played a pivotal role in defining the legislative debate on reform. Colson and Pat Nolan, the organization's vice president and a former California state assemblyman who served a 33-month term for a corruption charge, argued that the bill was a moral obligation for conservative Christian members of Congress. Jesus would Jimmy Choo Glenys Watersnake Sandals have turned away from the plight of prisoners, they said.
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