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There is also the aspirational consumer who will buy contemporary or more broadly distributed [Yves Saint Laurent Shoes-to-wear], and then save up for that signature shoe, Burke added. Runway designers have given shoes so much attention that the category almost has a life of its own. Jimmy Choo Open-Toe Snake heeled slipper Wolfe, creative director of trend forecasting firm the Doneger Group, said it is natural for accessories to lead the charge in retail's recovery. Shoes and handbags represent what consumers think of as a better investment than a garment because they are going to get more use out of it, Wolfe said. It also eases their guilt from buying luxury brands. They think that by shopping accessories, they are justifying returning to their evil shopping ways. After steady double-digit growth in accessories sales over Jimmy Choo Platform Crisscross Sandal past six years, Selfridges in London this year has seen its largest increase for the category yet a 30 to 40 percent climb in sales year-over-year. Sebastian Manes, accessories director at Selfridges, said the category is the store's largest Jimmy Choo Private strappy sandal.

Par juzi le lundi 03 janvier 2011


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