With the allure of a drunken hillbilly hoedown (and showing their kinship to the Grateful Yves Saint Laurent Shoes), Phish delivered the glorious ode to road kill, "Possum," with aplomb. In addition to crunchy power chords and a heavy duty drum beat, the carnivorous sounding "Cavern" boasted in-sync dance steps (between [Trey Anastasio] and Gordon), as well as one of Phish's great closing lines, "Whatever you do take care of your shoes." Oh, the weather outside was frightful but Yves Saint Laurent Patent Pumps in Black concert inside the DCU Center was so delightful. And since we've no place to go, let the extended jams flow, let them flow, let them flow. So seemed the collective sentiment at Monday night's Phish show. Swimmingly and without even a peep of gratuitous stage banter, Phish - singer-guitarist Trey Anastasio, bassist Yves Saint Laurent Pierced Pump in Black Gordon, drummer Jon Fishman and keyboardist Page Samuel McConnell - played two hours and 45 minutes, which included two sets (one Yves Saint Laurent Pierced Pump in Silver minutes long and featuring 10 songs; the other, an hour and 25 minutes and 11 songs), as well as a five-minute, single-song encore.
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