Frank Newberry said Keever was arrested at her Burlington home that night. Before being hauled off to Yves Saint Laurent Shoes, police "let the child hug her mother so the little girl didn't see mom get handcuffed," Newberry said. Store officials said the pair of shoes Keever allegedly stole cost Yves Saint Laurent Pump in Pink. When Paul LePage is sworn into office today as Maine's governor, Maurice "Moe" LePage will be there, a witness to his big brother's remarkable escape from an impoverished and abusive childhood. After Paul ran away and was taken in by another family, he worked at various odd jobs, such as shining shoes and delivering Yves Saint Laurent Pump in White local newspapers, the Lewiston Daily Sun and the Evening Journal. When Paul LePage is sworn into office today as Maine's governor, Maurice "Moe" LePage will be there, a witness to his big brother's remarkable escape from an impoverished and abusive childhood. "I will be the proudest person there because of what we've been through," said Yves Saint Laurent Purple Short Boots LePage, a tile floor installer who lives and works in Deltona, Fla.
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