Morgan Fitzgerald's hosted a Toga Party, where the admission was two twin bed sheets. Christian Louboutin Pumps was also a raffle at the event, and all proceeds were donated to Twin City Mission. Morgan Fitzgerald's is a jewelry and accessories boutique. Spurred by a passion for recycling, Owner Kassie Rempel asks that customers mail in their gently worn pairs of shoes, which are then donated to Suited For Change, a local non-profit Christian Louboutin Shoes on Sale provides professional clothing and accessories for women transitioning from homeless shelters, jail and drug rehabilitation programs. SimplySoles has donated more than 2,Vibram Five Fingers Kso pairs of shoes so far. SimplySoles is a shoe and accessory retailer. The gift and accessories retailer is owned by sisters Sloane and Casey Simmons. Stuff holds Wings of Hope, a holiday open house benefiting The Susan Henke Miller Breast Cancer Research Fund. The store also raises funds for the Kansas City AIDSWalk through Vibram Five Fingers Women party called Grab Bag, as well as sponsoring a team during the walk.
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