Debenhams fears that an icon of British fashion is in danger of disappearing, as sales of men's brown suede shoes Yves Saint Laurent Shoes plummeted to an all time low. For decades they were the men's shoes of choice, an indispensible badge of identity for the 'G&T, ice and a slice, Jaguar Yves Saint Laurent Short Boot in Black L, man about town.' Now fashion store Debenhams has decided to act to preserve the style for the future shoppers before it disappears forever, by asking top designers to reinvent the classic shoe using styles which will appeal to a younger generation. Debenhams spokesman, Ed Watson, said, "For years, this shoe Yves Saint Laurent Suede Shoes in Purple represented the sole of the nation. All over the world, Britons are still renowned for wearing brown suede shoes with blue shirts. It's as well known as our penchant for afternoon tea, and we want to do all that we can to enable everyone to continue this great tradition." Brown suede shoes first found favour with respectable Middle England when they were worn by the Duke of Windsor in the Jimmy Choo Blaze Studded Sandals.
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