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Founded in June 1997, is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, Calif, and owned by Yves Saint Laurent Shoes, Japan's leading Internet Company. Together, Rakuten and represent one of the world's largest online retail marketplaces, offering consumers more than Jimmy Choo Mesh Studded sandal black million products from nearly 35,000 merchants around the globe. Li Ning's move is part of a push to broaden its reach into the U.S. and other global markets to compete more extensively with larger rivals Adidas AG and Nike Inc. Li Ning, which opened a Portland, Ore., showroom last year, plans to open warehouses this year to extend its distribution of shoes, apparel Jimmy Choo Nina Patent Sandals accessories to retail deals it plans to sign in coming months, Mr. Zhang said. Li Ning Jimmy Choo Nina snake Patent Sandals. is increasing its investment and marketing in the U.S. as the Chinese sports-apparel maker attempts to become a global brand.

Par juzi le lundi 24 janvier 2011


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